Our Tier 1 response time commitment is within 24 hours of the inquiry. We typically exceed this commitment. Most emails / calls are responded to within 2 hours. Each client is assigned a full team, so if response time is not met, the client can escalate up to and...
We have many reports. The most commonly used reports for Service Awards include: redemption, non-response, item popularity and reports around finances by business unit / division.
All reports are accessible real-time by program coordinators. There are also multiple levels of access. For example, a leader of a certain business unit may be able to only see reports related to employees who fall under them. All of this is managed through a...
CoreCentive handles any issues with regard to awards. If an employee receives a gift that is damaged, they simply email or call customer care and we handle it from there. We will issue return labels and send out a replacement item or reissue credits for that employee...