Typically a gift is shipped within 5-7 days of the order being placed. Employees are also provided communications confirming order receipt as well as shipping and tracking information.
Employee service awards are the foundation of an organization’s recognition program. It is the one program where every employee, from the CEO to the mailroom clerk, is treated the same. Through research done at the O.C. Tanner Institute, employee service award...
In today’s world of work, the workforce is loaded with millennials who will have up to 10 jobs in their lifetime. Early recognition, meaning Day 1 or onboarding, 1-year, and 3-year recognition is crucial in capturing your employee’s heart and mind from the...
Employees have many needs and wants. Everything one needs today is at their fingertips via the web. Ask yourself, why should service awards be any different? There is no such thing as too much to choose from. Some employees like to camp, fish or hunt, some like to...
CoreCentive is truly a global company. We currently deliver gifts to over 150 countries and in 17 languages including English, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Dutch, Romanian and more.