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Effective Peer to Peer Recognition
The data is very clear, an employee recognition program, including a peer-to-peer component, is a great tool in your organization’s tool belt for your overall employee recognition strategy. However, if not done correctly, there are issues that can pop up limiting their overall effectiveness. Here are a few key areas to address when creating or evaluating a peer-to-peer program.
What’s wrong with Employee Service Award Programs?
Ask your employees when they were hired, and 9 out of 10 will know the exact date. This is significant. It’s the day when they joined your company. It’s the day they took the next step in their career. It’s the day when they became part of your company’s future. It’s a date that should be celebrated, but unfortunately is often forgotten by leadership and often recognized later.
I Can’t Believe I got a Branded Hoodie for my Service Anniversary!
The problem with programs that solely utilize branded merchandise is employees feel like the company is getting recognized by promoting their brand. Research shows that when given the choice, employees prefer to NOT have a logo or a branded gift for their Service Milestone. There are also some challenges that come along with programs like this ranging from the financial to the logistical.
What Does it Cost to Implement an Employee Service Award Program?
You recognize that it is time to refresh and update your employee service award program or milestone program. Likely due to poor survey results from your employees on the poor selection of gifts, or maybe you realized that the cost of gifts has ballooned over the years and your program value has all but disappeared.
How Have Sales Incentive Programs Changed for the Better?
The primary purpose and value of sales incentive programs have remained relatively constant since the beginning. These programs are used to encourage and reward more significant efforts aligned with sales and productivity goals. But technology has changed HOW these programs run, the flexibility that can be offered within the program, the granularity options for unique offers for different regions and product categories, and much more.
Is Cash King when it comes to Employee Recognition?
Why do people do the things they do? And why do your employees do what they do for the organization? These are not easy questions to answer, but it all comes down to a couple of things, the things that most of us learned when we were very young as taught to us by our parents or our own experiences – operant conditioning. This easily translates into the world of employee recognition and why cash is king.