Learning Center
The Role Leadership Plays in Employee Recognition
Strong leadership is paramount to your recognition program and practices gaining traction within your organization. Unfortunately, leadership often lacks within many organizations, and recognition programs and incentive programs fail to take hold. The results in driving behavior within the organization are lackluster. The role leadership plays in employee recognition will make or break the program.
The Paradox of Choice in Employee Recognition and Incentive Programs
Is too much choice a good thing or a bad thing? The question is not as simple as it seems. Consumer product market researchers have done many studies over the years, but how do those studies translate in the context of choice in employee recognition and incentive programs?
Top Ten Best Practices for Your Employee Service Award Program
Around 90% of companies in the U.S. formally recognize employee tenure in some form or fashion. The odds are excellent that your organization is one of them. The chances are also good that you have not reviewed the effectiveness and value of your current program in some time, and you may not be realizing the full potential of your service awards program.
Employee Appreciation and Anniversary Messages for Years of Service Awards
A simple statement of gratitude that highlights the recipient’s special milestone is the kind of touch that a gift alone cannot provide.The following is a comprehensive list of employee appreciation messages and work anniversary best wishes that are sure to inspire you and get you started.
The Customer Journey in the World of Recognition, Reward, and Incentives
The ease or difficulty of the customer journey in the world of recognition, reward, and incentives is significantly impacted by how we, as sellers, set up the process and think through what our buyer is trying to accomplish, their goals, their challenges, and if our process makes that easier or more difficult. So let’s walk through the many factors we need to consider as the seller and then take a deep breath and an honest look at our organization and if we are doing our job to smooth the path for our buyer.
Why Presentation and Communication are so Important in Employee Recognition
Keeping your employees engaged can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. It is a delicate balance to keep employees feeling valued. Most companies focus on compensation as a major factor in acquiring and retaining talent. It goes beyond that, however.