Delivering Thanks – Globally: Global Recognition Programs With CoreCentive
In the modern economic world, it is essential to make sure your employees feel like they are part of a family – not just cogs in a big, soulless machine. A global recognition program can be the answer. These days, making sure that their morale is high and a sense of workplace community is present is almost as important as ensuring they have the right training for the job that they’re supposed to be doing.
One of the most impactful ways to deliver this type of community to your workforce is through employee incentives programs and employee recognition awards. These type of programs can give employees:
- A way to celebrate peers’ successes and motivate them to achieve similar rewards
- A true sense of “meaning” at work
- Healthy competition through leaderboards, through sales incentive programs and channel incentive programs
- A forum to easily engage with and recognize other employees for their hard work
- An easy way to discover benchmarks and be rewarded for them.
However, for those of us who run companies on a global scale – with offices all around the world – there are oftentimes complexities to developing, instituting and maintaining these types of global employee recognition programs. Coming up with the type of employee incentives ideas that are culturally relevant is a continuing challenge. Finding local suppliers and dealing with the excessive costs can also be a giant pain, and even the threat of things getting lost in translation – with all the different languages that must be spoken – is very real when it comes to setting up various programs.
So, here’s the good news – the recognition programs at CoreCentive are absolutely ideal for those companies with a large, varied workforce that are based in different locations around the globe. It’s a perfect way to develop an enterprise-wide culture of recognition for a company that’s spread out around the earth. CoreCentive’s global programs offer:
- A multitude of options. There are over 3 million – that’s million with an “m” – global reward options available in over 150 countries.
- Culturally relevant and up-to-date. Our close partnerships with local suppliers in all the countries we serve mean that the rewards we distribute are always appropriate for the offices and locations that you need to reach.
- Local suppliers. CoreCentive’s network of suppliers ensures that each reward is locally sourced, shipped, handled and delivered to the appropriate location within ten days.
- An appropriate price point. In a world where global purchasing costs really add up – shipping, duties, cross-border taxes, customs delays and the like, many times making global recognition programs cost prohibitive. Not with us. Our customers are invoiced for the fair market value of merchandise in those countries.
- A way to speak the language. CoreCentive’s programs speak 17 different languages that cover all the 150 different countries in the program; oh, and in countries that speak two or more languages, catalogs for the multiple languages will be available.
Instituting these type of total rewards programs helps to bring your work environment closer together. They encourage comradeship, hard work, collaboration and idea-sharing, and recognize the hard work that people in the office put in. Even better, for those with a global workforce, instituting these type of programs can help make an office overseas feel closer to the community as a whole – always a concern in the corporate environments of today. Global recognition programs are one of the ways to make all of your employees feel a little closer together.
Interested to see what we can do for you? Take a look at our Global Recognition solutions.